Healthy people don’t watch/read MSM. I think it boils down to that.
Also.. I wash my hands a lot. Not hand sanitizers (I don’t have time to go into MRSA and superbugs right now) but just plain old soap and water. But this message is true for me and many friends and family. The only people I know who’ve “had covid” practically went looking for it. Testing after every sneeze. Almost giddy when it was confirmed. Ridiculous. And then they ran out and got the vax. One buddy has low hemoglobin now. Another had Afib and had to have an ablation. They got the vax and then things went south.
Healthy people don’t watch/read MSM. I think it boils down to that.
Also.. I wash my hands a lot. Not hand sanitizers (I don’t have time to go into MRSA and superbugs right now) but just plain old soap and water. But this message is true for me and many friends and family. The only people I know who’ve “had covid” practically went looking for it. Testing after every sneeze. Almost giddy when it was confirmed. Ridiculous. And then they ran out and got the vax. One buddy has low hemoglobin now. Another had Afib and had to have an ablation. They got the vax and then things went south. Gtg
Interesting. One elderly lady I know went into Afib recently and she got the vax about 5 months ago