Having a stack set aside never hurts, ESPECIALLY if the system comes down.
The system collapses, what will your stock dollars be worth and do you think you'll all even be paid out when it hits 69,420 a share?
I have a few shares of GME on the back burner.
But gold and silver are timeless and universal. Plenty of good DD on it and the COMEX (metals exchange in US) has been consistently bleeding out. The less silver they have the less theybcan keep selling the same ounces over 100x+ pretending there is more than there is.
Metals have a far more prominent role than you may realize.
Even our constitution says silver and gold and only silver and gold are money.
Silver has a role to play as well whether you want to acknowledge it or not. Trump has also pointed out in the past how undervalued silver is.
Agreed low IQ hur dur fight the system meme stock RETARDS are the worst.
Someone is awfully sure of themselves:P
People can multi task.
Having a stack set aside never hurts, ESPECIALLY if the system comes down.
The system collapses, what will your stock dollars be worth and do you think you'll all even be paid out when it hits 69,420 a share?
I have a few shares of GME on the back burner.
But gold and silver are timeless and universal. Plenty of good DD on it and the COMEX (metals exchange in US) has been consistently bleeding out. The less silver they have the less theybcan keep selling the same ounces over 100x+ pretending there is more than there is.
Metals have a far more prominent role than you may realize.
Even our constitution says silver and gold and only silver and gold are money.
Fight on multiple fronts, soldier.
Well you convinced me..