My contention would be JUST ASK ONCE. If not complied, then jail time for at least 4 months. Then ask the next in charge, ONCE. No response, jail time for 4 months.
This is what our government does all the time. A senator asks for information and it is essentially ignored.
My contention would be JUST ASK ONCE. If not complied, then jail time for at least 4 months. Then ask the next in charge, ONCE. No response, jail time for 4 months.
This is what our government does all the time. A senator asks for information and it is essentially ignored.
For you or me it's against the law but if you're a Democrat There are no laws for you.
All but one of the Maricopa BoS are Republicans - they're in the club though, so same applies.
THEY used the system to get elected also.