I remember reading her book years ago about Agenda 21, the Sierra club etc. She even went on to say she was a lib, but couldn’t stand how left it was going
I don't know how many times this needs to be said, but "being a lib" has nothing to do with believing the government is fucking evil. When the "Bush did 9/11" theories came out initially, who do you think believed them - right leaning or left leaning folks?
You don't need to be a jesus loving, gun loving, pro-life redneck in order to think the scumbags at the top are traitorous kiddie diddlers.
I am a liberal Trump supporter who WILL NOT EVER take the clotshot and believe the whole COVID plandemic was created by our government in order to usher in the Great Reset.
I remember reading her book years ago about Agenda 21, the Sierra club etc. She even went on to say she was a lib, but couldn’t stand how left it was going
I don't know how many times this needs to be said, but "being a lib" has nothing to do with believing the government is fucking evil. When the "Bush did 9/11" theories came out initially, who do you think believed them - right leaning or left leaning folks?
You don't need to be a jesus loving, gun loving, pro-life redneck in order to think the scumbags at the top are traitorous kiddie diddlers.
I am a liberal Trump supporter who WILL NOT EVER take the clotshot and believe the whole COVID plandemic was created by our government in order to usher in the Great Reset.
There is nothing "right wing" about this theory.
It's about good vs evil, not left vs right.
It is most definitely a liberal vs conservative issue.
Liberals allowed this to happen by giving the government power in the first place.
Huh? Conservatives have been right there with them.