Today, I’d like to give you some ammunition against the mockers and those who may rebuke you and call you a “conspiracy theorist” for not accepting what the world is telling you to accept. There is plenty of source material out there regarding physical side effects, Dr. warnings, injuries, etc.
So today I’m going to give you ammunition from THE source material—God’s Word. A prophetic warning written to the Church nearly 2,000 years ago regarding the very days we live in right now. I speak not out of fear—but love for the ignorant/unknowing.
Revelation 13:16-17: (referring to the Antichrist and the False Prophet)
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
“And he causeth all”:
—Never in human history has there been a global event like 2020. Nothing in the past has encompassed every single nation before. The diseases of the past and the World Wars were not all-encompassing. This current event however, has affected every known nation, island, and people. All.
“to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads”:
—When you study the original language, the Greek word for “right hand” is Dexios—G1209 “the right side or hand (as that which usually takes)
Is the right arm on the right side of the body———Yes it is.
Are the majority of people right handed?———Yes they are.
Do the majority of people get “marked” in their right arm?— Likely.
And regarding the forehead (the space between the eyes)—just how far up your nose do those swabs go?
“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast”
—In America, we are blessed to still retain some semblance of freedom. But Look to Israel, look to the UK, look to France, look to Australia, look to the Philippines— in many countries, you can not participate in society (buy or sell) without showing proof.
You are witnessing the rise of the Mark. The Christianity movement— did not spread instantly overnight. Ground was taken and the Kingdom grew one soul at a time. Did you expect the Mark to arrive overnight? The Devil is not that bright. The spirit of Antichrist is alive and well. Is the Man of Sin (The Antichrist) lurking in the shadows? —perhaps. I believe this was the Devil’s test run. Everything is being prepped and in position for the real show. Since there is no worship aspect to receiving this particular Mark— I don’t believe it has spiritual implications. Physical but not spiritual. When The Antichrist rises and takes helm over the Mark and the Beast system and requires the Mark for worship— lookout. If you are a follower of Christ, you are obligated to go to war against every plan of the Devil. Stand up and refuse!
There is conspiracy theory—and there is conspiracy fact. The Bible is real. There really is a God—there really is a Devil. There really is a heaven—there really is a hell. The Bible warned us about this planned conspiracy by Satan and the Antichrist 2,000 years ago. If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior— there is great reason to fear. This world is coming to an end. Christ is retuning with a fiery sword. Judgment will pour out on those who have rejected Him.
Good News:
As long as the Church remains—the window of God’s grace is still open. Don’t miss the window. Get real and get right with God. Pray and ask Christ into your life. Accept the sacrafice of God’s Son. Declare aloud, “Jesus is Lord”. I assure you, there is peace, strength, and power available to you on the other side of that prayer. Receive Christ and be well equipped to live in the crazy days we live in.
Today, I’d like to give you some ammunition against the mockers and those who may rebuke you and call you a “conspiracy theorist” for not accepting what the world is telling you to accept. There is plenty of source material out there regarding physical side effects, Dr. warnings, injuries, etc. So today I’m going to give you ammunition from THE source material—God’s Word. A prophetic warning written to the Church nearly 2,000 years ago regarding the very days we live in right now. I speak not out of fear—but love for the ignorant/unknowing.
Revelation 13:16-17: (referring to the Antichrist and the False Prophet) “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
“And he causeth all”: —Never in human history has there been a global event like 2020. Nothing in the past has encompassed every single nation before. The diseases of the past and the World Wars were not all-encompassing. This current event however, has affected every known nation, island, and people. All.
“to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads”: —When you study the original language, the Greek word for “right hand” is Dexios—G1209 “the right side or hand (as that which usually takes) Is the right arm on the right side of the body———Yes it is. Are the majority of people right handed?———Yes they are. Do the majority of people get “marked” in their right arm?— Likely. And regarding the forehead (the space between the eyes)—just how far up your nose do those swabs go?
“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast” —In America, we are blessed to still retain some semblance of freedom. But Look to Israel, look to the UK, look to France, look to Australia, look to the Philippines— in many countries, you can not participate in society (buy or sell) without showing proof.
You are witnessing the rise of the Mark. The Christianity movement— did not spread instantly overnight. Ground was taken and the Kingdom grew one soul at a time. Did you expect the Mark to arrive overnight? The Devil is not that bright. The spirit of Antichrist is alive and well. Is the Man of Sin (The Antichrist) lurking in the shadows? —perhaps. I believe this was the Devil’s test run. Everything is being prepped and in position for the real show. Since there is no worship aspect to receiving this particular Mark— I don’t believe it has spiritual implications. Physical but not spiritual. When The Antichrist rises and takes helm over the Mark and the Beast system and requires the Mark for worship— lookout. If you are a follower of Christ, you are obligated to go to war against every plan of the Devil. Stand up and refuse!
There is conspiracy theory—and there is conspiracy fact. The Bible is real. There really is a God—there really is a Devil. There really is a heaven—there really is a hell. The Bible warned us about this planned conspiracy by Satan and the Antichrist 2,000 years ago. If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior— there is great reason to fear. This world is coming to an end. Christ is retuning with a fiery sword. Judgment will pour out on those who have rejected Him.
Good News: As long as the Church remains—the window of God’s grace is still open. Don’t miss the window. Get real and get right with God. Pray and ask Christ into your life. Accept the sacrafice of God’s Son. Declare aloud, “Jesus is Lord”. I assure you, there is peace, strength, and power available to you on the other side of that prayer. Receive Christ and be well equipped to live in the crazy days we live in.
Thank you for this....
Yes Exactly!