We KNOW that there is some disinformation in Q posts, he/they even said so. And if people would watch the whole series they would see that it includes a lot of proof. [they] have lied to us about literally EVERYTHING. We KNOW 'scientists' lie about COVID and the clot shot. We know NASA involved Natzi scientists. We know most if not ALL of those in charge of our information lie and are freemasons. Flat earth is not what you think and there is a lot in the Bible that supports it. But go ahead and spend time reading the same posts that are posted over and over and over and laugh at memes and listen to songs posted here. Don't dare take a step out of your comfort zone. Brain washing is STILL in affect.
We KNOW that there is some disinformation in Q posts, he/they even said so. And if people would watch the whole series they would see that it includes a lot of proof. [they] have lied to us about literally EVERYTHING. We KNOW 'scientists' lie about COVID and the clot shot. We know NASA involved Natzi scientists. We know most if not ALL of those in charge of our information lie and are freemasons. Flat earth is not what you think and there is a lot in the Bible that supports it. But go ahead and spend time reading the same posts that are posted over and over and over and laugh at memes and listen to songs posted here. Don't dare take a step out of your comfort zone. Brain washing is STILL in affect.