posted ago by jEs2We9Qbw ago by jEs2We9Qbw +85 / -0

I am hearing anons expressing that they are emotionally drained. So many ups and down. So much hype and fizzle.

If this is you, welcome to the battle for for your mind. Information warfare isn’t for the weak minded. This is how DS is getting away with so much, people are generally weak and give up this mind because they are lazy.

If you are here, it means you are a warrior and one of the few who can see past the DS/MSM. This is an example of what you are experiencing (link). So if you are tired, imagine how tiring it is to be DS right now, never getting a break, never getting the punch, always getting a fizzle, all along, wasting your time, energy, and ammo.

Read this old article about ISIS: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2757201/Calm-captives-not-know-die-reveals-French-war-reporter-held-ISIS.html

“Captives are so calm because they've been through so many MOCK executions that they still do not know they are about to die, reveals former hostage”

This is what Q is doing and he talked about these head fakes/mocks often:

4885: When do you expend ammunition?

4802: Removal of BIDEN ammunition P_Debate 1, 2, and 3 [200k dead, down-economy, unemployment, debt, …..]?

4622: When do you expend ammunition [resources]?

4612: CONTROLLED INFORMATION DISSEMINATION SYSTEM DESIGNED TO CONTROL YOU IS THREATENED. If you posed no threat [reach and topics] to their control [information dominance] they would not continue to expend ammunition.

4511: Need to expend ammunition [muster network to defend and coordinate attacks] to counter.

4333: When do you expend ammunition?

4283: When does your enemy expend ammunition? Do you expend ammunition against a weak opponent? Do you expend ammunition against a non_threat? Critical thinking _media cluster bomb(s) [attacks] v POTUS Critical thinking _media cluster bomb(s) [attacks] v Q [you] Q

4136, 4101: When does the enemy expend ammunition?

3992: [MUELLER] designed to provide FAKE NEWS w/ ammunition to sway public opinion, obstruct foreign + domestic agenda, fuel impeachment/removal, fuel anti-POTUS [DIVISION] [prevent UNITY], etc..

3774: Will new articles of impeachment be 'continually' drafted in effort to hold as ammunition to prevent Senate hearings re: [D] party corruption?

3646: Anons, why would we provide the date of the FISA release? Logical thinking. Ammunition is finite. Q

3165: [They] thought it was coming last Friday. Ammunition spent. Q

3113: What occurred the last time a countdown was presented? [FF] Do you believe in coincidences? Never interfere with an enemy…….. Ammunition is hard to come by. Q

Do not give up anons. If you are tired, step back, relax, and take a break. Come back, read up on the latest and enjoy the show. 🍿

Don’t get emotionally tied to all of the hype because you’re spending your ammo, emotional energy, just like DS.

I think that we will see so many for so long that DS will be calm and unsuspecting when it all comes down. And when it finally happens, the whole world will know, no one will miss it because it will be massive.