We really need to start working together. It took years to figure what hiv is The corona virus and testing for was figured out in weeks.
How the fuck did they produce billions of tests in a matter of weeks? The logistics of this are crazy. How do you produce and distribute billions of tests to countries that are teleworking.if you work in a lab that produces test or vaccine did your company have to retool for a new product?
If you own a funeral home that the American people need their data. Hundreds of thousands have died. The cost of a casket and plots should be through the roof right now. Is there a shortage on caskets?
Uber/cab drivers you are on the roads all day everyday. How many times have you been stopped in funeral precessions? Hundreds of thousands are dying!!
Florists should be on fire right now. Have Flower prices increased?
Verizon att employees. Is there a surge of people paying and closing accounts?
Getting data from other industries will help us to see real world impact. We do not believe anything the media and government and social media criminals are putting out.
We really need to start working together. It took years to figure what hiv is The corona virus and testing for was figured out in weeks.
How the fuck did they produce billions of tests in a matter of weeks? The logistics of this are crazy. How do you produce and distribute billions of tests to countries that are teleworking.if you work in a lab that produces test or vaccine did your company have to retool for a new product?
If you own a funeral home that the American people need their data. Hundreds of thousands have died. The cost of a casket and plots should be through the roof right now. Is there a shortage on caskets?
Uber/cab drivers you are on the roads all day everyday. How many times have you been stopped in funeral precessions? Hundreds of thousands are dying!!
Florists should be on fire right now. Have Flower prices increased?
Verizon att employees. Is there a surge of people paying and closing accounts?
Getting data from other industries will help us to see real world impact. We do not believe anything the media and government and social media criminals are putting out.