My liberal daughter has ...finally decided and said out loud, the 11/2020 election is a joke! She said there are too many politicians that are not true Americans. A big shout out to Bezos going out for his joy ride. That seemed to wake her and her husband up to these billionaire scammers who could actually be doing immense good for the world instead.
I am so happy we are finally able to just tension. She brought things up expressing a lot of worry that our country is being destroyed with the so called progressives really doing nothing good or outright contradicting themselves. Additionally, she and her husband refuse the vax for good thoughtful reasons.
I’m so happy my heart is bursting with joy.
I was able to describe there is a embedded cabal with minions infiltrating many of our institutions down to our schools; and there are millions of Patriots, probably billions worldwide. I said we who love our country are the Patriots fighting for America.
I was able to tell her I’m fighting for an audit of our State to determine what exactly happened, as I’m tired of people “winning” who then tear our state and country apart, sending trillions of our hard earned tax dollars overseas in their scams during this tragic “pandemic.”
I told her to imagine a world where politicians were held accountable versus using public office for nefarious gains. I said it’s our job to see that vision is realized, then to safe guard it.
She liked that. She is very disillusioned right now. I said that makes sense. I told her, things will get better.
It was amazing!!! 🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸
God makes things work out for the best beyond our own interests, He had a plan in store for your daughter to see the truth even when they try to say otherwise. But I am glad their own eyes are being opened to the truth itself.
I learned that God always is with me even when I unintentionally ruined a relationship with a loved one of mine. During these moments a lot has happened that made me change for the better, He has certainly changed me in a short period of time this year than any other, I can tell she's in the process of being changed as I can see even if she doesn't want to admit it.
He has done miracles in my life and hers too, she was unemployed this year until I said to her that I hope she would get a job, and not soon afterwards. A job was given to her, I know that's no coincidence but a miracle itself by God. Not just for me or her, He works throughout all our lives day by day and we may not see what He has in store for those who love Him but I can tell you. It will be a good thing from Him that will leave you speechless and in awe of what has happened.