Excellent website with valuable discussion and research on current issues such as CRT.
Lawyer's paper
"Third, Americans across the political spectrum have failed to separate the premise of critical race theory from its conclusion. Its premise—that American history includes slavery and other injustices, and that we should examine and learn from that history—is undeniable. But its revolutionary conclusion—that America was founded on and defined by racism and that our founding principles, our Constitution, and our way of life should be overthrown—does not rightly, much less necessarily, follow."
I think of is the wrong basis. Not your Constitution is at play, but the declaration of Independence.
Between 1777 and 1789 there were the articles of confederation.
Those were meant to design a governing structure to allow max freedom.
The Constitution only came about because a stronger Fed gov was needed to pay the debts during first bankruptcy.
This Constitution for the United States of America was superseded by the Constitution OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - INC, due to a second bankruptcy.
You have no Constitutional rights. Fed gov has constiturional Powers but cannot go beyond them, anything not enumerated is ALWAYS un- Constitutional, null and void. All your rights are reserved and granting enumerated Powers hinges on the judgement of the People hoe the Fed gov has performed. With Congress approval rating of less than 16%..... It is time to alter it.
However, since the end of the third bankruptcy, the C is not in operation and your Fed gov had no capacity to pass laws, appropriations, etc.
Right now, you would have to come together and make a new compact.
CRT only deflects from the actual discussion to be had. It's aim however is to destroy the notion of independence, and looks to integrate you info a global rules bases system, where you may Carey the brunt of the costs
I agree with President Trump that the Constitution is what the Marxists want to decommission.
It is already decommissioned, as a consequence of law.
What you are looking at is a fraudulent system in operation since 2000.
The Fed gov is past tense.
Look at the flags. Title 4: nothing above the flag?
-spires -balls -birds -etc.
Meaning : you are in a world different than you think you are.
The Constitution itself is of no consequence to a State. It is of no consequence to you, but rather is of consequente to the Fed gov.
Many of the agencies you now see, are not only unconstitutional, they are defunct.
There will come a time for a new convention. But first you would have to drain the swamp and solve election integrity.
commenting to easily find this again: defeat cultural marxism