DJT Jr knows
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Of course it was. We knew that all along.
That’s not their first “inside job”. They are getting sloppy.
Hint: A majority of shocking events were «Inside jobs».
Would anyone in Congress dare to perform the simple act of getting a list of FBI agents and informants present on day of? I'd bet at least a 90% overlap with your problem makers would be seen.
I can not believe another American, FBI agent or stooge informee would be ok doing that. This shows us that .any supposed patriotic Americans are scum and need removal from the gene pool. Let's hope they all get vaxxed up good. Our vest weapon is their own stupidity. Let them Have all the vaccines.
The brainwashing is quite strong for them: "do this to protect the American people. It will be your contribution to reparations that BLM is demanding."
Seriously, this guy is like an IRL glowie. Just looking at him he seems out of place.