merf 3 points ago +3 / -0

If the Biden character is retired the Kamala memes will still have plenty of value.

From what I'm observing now, Kamala might need to ascend to power for the average voter to be aware of what they're getting...

merf 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'd bite if AA left or his blackmailers were arrested or even if a shareholder motion to replace were made.

There has to be a lot of suppression going on w/AMC. Possible partners no one has really mentioned yet that could have a wild level of synergy: DJT and/or Christian/patriot film studios.

We've seen with the Dinesh documentaries, The Passion, Sound of Freedom, etc. that there is a big untapped demand for faith movies that make people feel good and give them hope, and that tell the truth. DJT has indicated an interest in creating such content.

Disassociating from the woke and adopting a pro-faith or even faith-neutral mindset would re-energize AMC.

merf 1 point ago +1 / -0


The nickname "Johnny" was occasionally used to refer to John F. Kennedy (JFK) during his youth and early years, especially by his family and close friends. It was a more informal and affectionate way to address him before he became widely known as JFK. Once he entered the political arena and gained national prominence, the initials "JFK" became the more common and iconic way to refer to him.

merf 1 point ago +1 / -0

He is asked more than once (most members don't attend the entire hearing and repeat questions other members have already asked).

When asked here he directly answers:


"We know that he fired at least 8 because we recovered 8 cartridges on the roof."

merf 1 point ago +1 / -0

Later in the interview he did answer that directly IIRC, but you're right the first time he did an indirect.

merf 2 points ago +2 / -0

The large rallies he's safely scheduled for nearly a decade now?

Would be very interested to hear Bongino's take on this because it seems to me that many aspects of the outdoor venue would be easier to secure.

  1. He generally picks locations near airfields, so there's no need to shutdown a city and arrange for a giant motorcade. Trump flies in, speaks, flies out.

  2. Flat locations in the middle of nowhere mean few high points & and buildings need to be secured. Also they tend to be buildings that won't disrupt the daily course of business of the neighborhood if they're shut down.

  3. Locations in the middle of nowhere make things like bomb threats or bioweapons easier to handle because you don't have a bunch of facility crew to check or cubby rooms to hide such things in.

We just had the Pentagon lose a dollar amount that was proportional to the SS budget. Funds are not the issue, so why is SS politicking? Next scene of the movie? Reveal more of the Secret Service's true & historical intentions?

merf 5 points ago +5 / -0

These two seem to have the coolest Batman and Robin dynamic I think I've ever seen between a potus and vp.

It's very exciting and endearing. Surprising that they are being seen together so often.

merf 5 points ago +5 / -0

If Kamala is taking the stage, the movie is at least moving along...

I'm shocked there still hasn't been a market crash though. And feels like the Russia conflict has another level it should get to.

merf 7 points ago +7 / -0

Seems this is what was tried:

The twins underwent behavioural analysis, speech therapy and a strict gluten-free diet and nutrition programme as part of the trial to reduce inflammation.

The diet was casein-free, a protein found in milk; low-sugar; had no artificial colours or dyes; zero ultra-processed foods; primarily organic; and locally sourced.

The girls were also given daily supplements for omega-3 fatty acids, multivitamins, vitamin D, carnitine, and others.

merf 2 points ago +2 / -0

Would the seal be used in a campaign-related communication?

He's not stepping down from office. He's suspending a campaign. Seems like an important distinction.

merf 1 point ago +1 / -0

His history jumped out at me in another dig. Think we'll be hearing more soon.

merf 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anyone an expert on FEC filings? Trying to figure out what exactly is going on with Joe's campaign.


merf 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's a great point. It's obvious he was never running his Twitter account (especially when it was ridiculously active during the debate), and we know he's not capable of writing at that level.

So if he didn't write it, and he didn't Tweet it, what's to say he even gave them them the go-ahead to post it? We saw in Trump's administration that Gary Cohn admitted to stealing documents to prevent Trump from exiting a trade deal:


So it's not at all crazy to believe his administration has gone rogue...

Wouldn't it be wild if Joe showed up at 3AM live on some live Twitter space announcing that he has been kidnapped and still wants to be POTUS and run in 2024, and that ANTIFA needs to storm the White House to save him?

merf 4 points ago +4 / -0

Maybe an attempt to alert the cabal that something is askew in the Austin office?



The file in question is a CrowdStrike driver located at Windows/System32/Drivers/CrowdStrike/C-00000291*.sys. Once it's gone, the machine should boot normally and grab a non-broken version of the driver.


I can't tell if the star is part of the filename or an indication that multiple files have to be removed.

Could be a coincidence but the posts around 291 are very Hillary related.. C-291, Clinton 291?

See drops 2912 and up..

merf 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is this something they do periodically? This seems to be a similar announcement at the beginning of 2024.


Maybe it's something they do after any market fall?

Here's another:


I'd say this is something to worth monitoring but not a unique event.

merf 4 points ago +4 / -0

Credit to u/LongGame and thx for the heads up u/queue-anon.

Any new takes on the meaning of PG-13 in this context?

merf 2 points ago +2 / -0

Very nice find there! I'm gonna go ahead and post it unless u/LongGame gets it out so it gets more eyes.

merf 9 points ago +9 / -0

There's a followup tweet but it's so hilarious to imagine Joe temporarily taking over his account for a minute just to convey this...

merf -1 points ago +1 / -2

I'm suggesting that armed with the Q proofs of the day, it's not illogical to conclude that the entirety of it was staged. Which would mean the following:

White hats seeded the SS w/DEI actors, including the tiny female that would uselessly hug his waist for the photo.

White hats arranged for the shot to occur where the press would not see the impact of the bullet or the popping of a blood packet if they were moved to the front of the podium, where they were moved by SS just before the shooting.

White hats arranged for the bullets to land in a spot where cameras were unlikely to be pointed, and where people likely to have deep associations to the White House & security clearance were sitting (friends & family section). i.e The section where you have plausible volunteers willing to assist with the scene.

Absent some sort of interference, all deaths & injuries would be crisis actors.

Liberals are uniquely primed to exert maximal non-sympathetic skepticism about this event because they don't believe Trump is human and that he is selfish & destined to create a fascist dictatorship. Overnight this has placed them in Alex Jones shoes and they are having to defend a conspiracy theory for the first time in their lives.

The only way liberals learn is by experiencing the consequences of their policy.

They are now walking in Alex Jones' shoes.

This is part of the Great Awakening.

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