And why should we trust CDC,NHS,or WHO ??? Do normies not see this or not believe it?
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They won't take their own shot. ~ TGP
Then his partner should contact project veritas
This has been the case for years. You think autism could be related to the billion new vaccines we jab into our children? They paid big money to keep this shit under wraps for years but it’s slowly coming out.
The CDC, FDA, NIH, etc are most certainly not to be trusted.
If she stops logging it, she’s complicit.
Get them to sign an affidavit and start testifying about about this.
To answer your question. Yes,the normies see it. But thier tv or facebook is not telling them. Radio is nothing but jab commercials. Even the displays on the car radios are telling them to get jabbed.
They are not gonna believe till biden himself tells them.maybe not even then.
I know, my girl is semi based thanks to ME. She always says to me when I give her facts, she says is it on the news?
Have you showed her the chart where the news/media is owned by six different entities? And the 'this is a danger to our democracy' video? Those were powerful for me when I first saw then