For my job i need to be in a car with someone all day.Three weeks ago i was with this old guy who had had the AZ vaccine, felt fine start of day.Sore throad by end of day, developed into flu, was sick for a week, quite ill.
Now yesterday, back with this guy, throat is sore by the end of the day.Feeling tired, slight runny nose.OK by evening, fine by next morning.Today same deal, fine at start of day now end of day sore throat, runny nose.What is going on exactly? This has never happened to me before.
Pray, drink 100 oz. of water a day, eat vitamin C like candy, D, Zinc and magnesium! And avoid your co-workers when possible! Every one of mine, who’ve been injected, look tired all the time, have no energy and are getting angrier by the day!