I mean if you don't, then super spreader narratives are vitiated. Sure, there are some who do because of some circumstances but whatabout the rest of you who came?
Yes, it is total bullshit. Use common sense and logic and you could snap out of the matrix
There's no "super spreader" events. There's just what there's always been - childish, selfish assholes that don't bother to cover their mouth when they cough/sneeze while they're sick.
Now that they've all muzzled themselves out of fear, I haven't been sick at all.
Tampa Bay Super Bowl was supposed to be a "super spreader event".
January 6th was supposed to be a "super spreader" event.
Trump rallies are supposed to be "super spreader" events.
The MSM (backed by the Communist Intelligence Agency) is pushing fear and hoping that nobody calls their bluff.
The mask had zero to due with that
No but it sure helps when they're cowering six feet away from the unclean unvaccinated one with a diaper on their mouth instead of coughing in my face.
Most of my coworkers are libs and they used to be extremely gross during flu season. One year I had avoided getting sick, and one of them sneezed right into my face/eyes like a little kid because he couldn't be bothered to turn his head while we were talking and I came down with his crap a week later.
He is ironically one of the most outspoken mask nazis now and refuses to be in the same room with me until I get jabbed.
Sounds like a win to me👍