posted ago by Jtap ago by Jtap +18 / -0

Colossians 4


Make us just and equal in our handling of those under us. Give us a heart that continues in prayer and watchings in thanksgiving. Open to is a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which Paul was and many today are in bonds: that they and we make manifest, as we ought to speak. Guide us to walk in wisdom toward them without, redeeming the time. Let our speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that we may know how we ought to answer every man.

May we, Father, as we take this bread; As we bless it in Jesus name; as we break it. And as we take it and eat it; remember how Jesus Christ gave his body for us on the cross.

May we, Father, as we take this wine; as we bless it in Jesus name; as we pour it out; as we drink all of it; remember this is the blood of Jesus Christ; the blood of the new covenant; poured out for us for the remission of sins.

That we, as often as we do this, do it in remembrance of Your Son Jesus Christ, and preach His death until He come (1 Corinthians 11). Thank you for salvation through your Son Jesus Christ and the gift of the Holy Spirit poured out upon us, Your children adopted by and through Jesus Christ, Your Son.

In Jesus name, amen.