We know the Deep State will try to spin the narrative around and blame Trump for the vaccine deaths that are happening and getting worse.
I can imagine it now:
Trump: "We initiated operation warp speed in our great hour of need. We needed to get a vaccine for the invisible enemy, and we needed it fast. We ordered a vaccine be developed and we contacted several vaccine producers to get the job done. They promised they could deliver on our request, but the red tape had to be cut. So we cut some red tape. We placed our trust in these companies. We ordered a vaccine, but what they gave us, well, it wasn't a vaccine. What they gave us was a fraud. What they gave us was a poison. It was a poison that was sold the the American people as a fraud. These companies have committed crimes against humanity, and they must be held accountable. "
The timing of this speech is going to be critical. Too early, or too late and the narrative will get out of hand. He has to drop this bomb at just the right moment to completely crush the pharmaceutical industry.
This is how Trump wins in the end.
We know the Deep State will try to spin the narrative around and blame Trump for the vaccine deaths that are happening and getting worse.
I can imagine it now:
Trump: "We initiated operation warp speed in our great hour of need. We needed to get a vaccine for the invisible enemy, and we needed it fast. We ordered a vaccine be developed and we contacted several vaccine producers to get the job done. They promised they could deliver on our request, but the red tape had to be cut. So we cut some red tape. We placed our trust in these companies. We ordered a vaccine, but what they gave us, well, it wasn't a vaccine. What they gave us was a fraud. What they gave us was a poison. It was a poison that was sold the the American people as a fraud. These companies have committed crimes against humanity, and they must be held accountable. "
The timing of this speech is going to be critical. Too early, or too late and the narrative will get out of hand. He has to drop this bomb at just the right moment to completely crush the pharmaceutical industry.
Q post 4461?
Only when evil is forced into the light can we defeat it.
Only when they can no longer operate in the [shadows] can people see the truth for themselves.
Only when people see the truth [for themselves] will people understand the true nature of their deception.
Seeing is Believing.
Sometimes you can't tell the public the truth.
It had to be this way.
This is not another 4-year election.
Yep, how does the saying go "Sad, But True".