We need more like him. I really think the deep state stepped on a beehive. Q, and Great Awakening aside. Westerners(white people in general) will only take getting stepped on for so long. We are patient. Perhaps to patient at times. But the time is coming. Their days of tyranny are coming to a close. They completely lost control of more than half the population. We were supposed to be beaten down and subverted by now. A lot of things have backfired on them in the last 4-5 years and it doesn't look like they can shove it under the rug this time.
We need more like him. I really think the deep state stepped on a beehive. Q, and Great Awakening aside. Westerners(white people in general) will only take getting stepped on for so long. We are patient. Perhaps to patient at times. But the time is coming. Their days of tyranny are coming to a close. They completely lost control of more than half the population. We were supposed to be beaten down and subverted by now. A lot of things have backfired on them in the last 4-5 years and it doesn't look like they can shove it under the rug this time.