Wouldn't you want to know if Officer Dunn's dramatic story of being called the N word was true?
While I am not a fan, there is no excuse for using that word against someone.
Surely with 14,000 hours of video, from every possible location at the Capitol, this exchange would have been captured at some point. He describes it as such a big event.
If they really wanted to destroy the MAGA/Q movement all they would have to do is release the video.
They would FINALLY have the proof that the MAGA movement is a racist white supremacist movement!
I wonder why they have not released the video of this horrible event in our history.
Surely the American people need to see how violent and extreme it REALLY was. /s
Blacks call other Blacks the 'N' word all the time. They even write songs about it! (N this and N that) So it must've been a Black person calling his own kind by the 'N' word.
The post was not especially about using the N word.
I personally don't use the word as I find it offensive to even say. That I don't use the word, does not mean I don't have those feelings or thoughts.
The post was about the how the incident described sounded pretty intense and probably lasted several minutes. Which would lead one to believe with 14,000 hours of video and cameras all over the place it would have been caught on video.
Hence if the story was true, then the Democrats would have had a sure fire way to destroy the MAGA movement by playing the footage 24/7 to prove we are all just a bunch of racists.
Since we have seen none of that, it leads one to the conclusion that the event DID NOT HAPPEN and they are liars.