posted ago by spiritfortrump ago by spiritfortrump +23 / -5

These are all legitimate businesses:

Not sure how a legitimate Q follower would believe this was all "made up" and not see this as a Q proof

ORGANIZATION: Ingersoll Lockwood

About Ingersoll Lockwood develops and/or invests in new and innovative technologies that fit the needs of the growing US Government.


INGERSOLL LOCKWOOD Updated 470 days ago ID: 35823534/36

Throughout our history, we've been able to handle the worst events by sharing information, helping each other and sticking together. We are sharing with God fearing US Veterans first... Pass the ID.me test proving you are of a US Veteran or are a US Veteran or in rare cases at our discretion, a First Responder or Health Care Professional at high risk, agree to our terms via DOCUSIGN and then you may enter the portal to learn about our solution. As we remain in Stealth Mode and because we are filing patents and have both proprietary (trade secrets) and patent-able technologies, this will be your only way to gain access. Do NOT call our office with questions unless it's an EMERGENCY. Our team is trained NOT to respond to any questions and only direct you to our website and our policies on this site. If you have any concerns with our site or ID... We of, by and for US Veterans and we are working on sharing hidden secrets that might just help us all work together to #KILLTHEVIRUS. Also known as: Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc.


Cyber Defense Mag sold BY COLIN MORRISON 24 APRIL 2020 1 MINUTE READ

Ingersoll Lockwood, of the US, has acquired the Cyber Defense Media Group. Ingersoll Lockwood addresses the needs of US government and its contractors including AI, critical infrastructure, healthcare and space. Cyber Defense Magazine is what it says. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.


Cyber Defense Media Group Acquired by US Defense Contractor Ingersoll Lockwood

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Futurist Defense Contractor Acquires Industry Leading Cyber Defense Media Group WASHINGTON (PRWEB) APRIL 20, 2020

Today, Ingersoll Lockwood, Inc. has announced the acquisition of the Cyber Defense Media Group, which it will fold into its portfolio in the coming months.

"Nothing in how CDMG operates will change with the exception of continued growth and additional focus on American Exceptionalism while we help spin out additional platforms for the Global commercial and international sectors in the coming months," said James Gorman, Vice Chairman of Ingersoll Lockwood.

"This is an incredible time for us and I'm especially excited to be able to help other divisions of Ingersoll Lockwood as they solve complex problems in different market sectors including cybersecurity, health care, critical infrastructure, big data, a.i. and space. This also gives me a chance to help cross pollinate activities and investments that we're doing in Stony Lonesome Group, where we focus exclusively on investing in US Military Veteran run startups," said Gary S. Miliefsky, Chairman & CEO of Cyber Defense Media Group and Publisher of Cyber Defense Magazine.


Stony Lonesome Group


Cyber Defense Media Group






CYBER DEFENSE MAGAZINE- "2016 predictions"


Copyright (C) 2015, Cyber Defense Magazine, a division of STEVEN G. SAMUELS LLC. 848 N. Rainbow Blvd. #4496, Las Vegas, NV 89107. EIN: 454-18-8465, DUNS#

  1. All rights reserved worldwide. [email protected] Cyber Warnings Published by Cyber Defense Magazine, a division of STEVEN G. SAMUELS LLC.Cyber Defense Magazine, CDM, Cyber Warnings, Cyber Defense Test Labs and CDTL are Registered Trademarks of STEVEN G. SAMUELS LLC. All rights reserved worldwide

STEVEN G. SAMUELS LLC USPTO Trademark & Patent Filings


In the late 1800’s, our namesake, Ingersoll Lockwood, delivered futuristic and visionary content, over a century ahead of his time. He passed on this knowledge to S. G. Samuels, (Sr.), who shared “The Great Awakening” plan also known as the “Plan for the New American Century” with Steven G. Samuels, followed by our entire team, who continue to carry on this tradition, today. Our mission is to build a brighter future for humanity, starting with the resurgence of American exceptionalism.

We leverage what our founder called ‘future vision’ where we deliver solutions based on Trade Secret Predictive Intelligence Team/Technology (TSPI), a mix of futurist inventions, artificial intelligence and machine learning, all used for the good of humanity. We communicate publicly on our own Open Source Intelligence Platforms (OSINT) as trusted Media Sources (CDMG, CSMG, TTN, more to come…). We unleash New Technology Safeguards to Defend Humanity from novel Threats (NTSD) and to Accelerate the Great Awakening (NTAGA). We market our solutions first, on our own Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Media Platforms, then on strategic mainstream media (MSM) platforms.


Board of Directors

Steven G. Samuels, US DHS (founding member), Chairman

James Gorman, US Navy (retired), Vice Chairman

James Hess, US Army (retired) , Director

James Henderson, DoD Consultant (active), Director

Timothy J. Goulden, US Army (retired), Director

Paul Hemphill, US Army (retired), Director

Al Fulchino, US Patriot, Director

Olivier Vallez, Esq., Secretary of the Board, Director

Q post #60

You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.

Of those (less than 10 people) only three are non-military.

Why is this relevant?

Game theory.

Outside of a potential operator who has been dialed-in w/ orders (specific to his/her mission) nobody else has this information.

Operators never divulge.

Alice & Wonderland.

Q post 3906

Decide for yourself (be free from outside opinion).

Decide for yourself (be objective in your conclusions).

Decide for yourself (be true in your own beliefs).

Decide for yourself (be open to following the facts).

Decide for yourself (be strong in defending your beliefs).

Decide for yourself (be resistant to blindly accepting fact-less statements).

Those who attack you.

Those who mock you.

Those who cull you.

Those who control you.

Those who label you.

Do they represent you?

Or, do they represent themselves (in some form)?

Mental Enslavement.

The Great Awakening ('Freedom of Thought’), was designed and created not only as a backchannel to the public (away from the longstanding ‘mind’ control of the corrupt & heavily biased media) to endure future events through transparency and regeneration of individual thought (breaking the chains of ‘group-think’), but, more importantly, aid in the construction of a vehicle (a ‘ship’) that provides the scattered (‘free thinkers’) with a ‘starter’ new social-networking platform which allows for freedom of thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride (the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment).

When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or the stable.

When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’.

"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.

When you are awake, you are able to clearly see.

The choice is yours, and yours alone.

Trust and put faith in yourself.

You are not alone and you are not in the minority.

Difficult truths will soon see the light of day.



Q post 4429

The Armor of God

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

Have faith in Humanity.

Have faith in Yourself.

Have faith in God.

The Great Awakening.


Now everytime I post on this, I am downvoted as soon as a post/publish. Either they have flagged me--- or this topic flagged to shut it down.

Then, swarms of deny. discredit, distract accounts flood in to shut down the conversation and any supporters

[[[They]]] clearly don't want this information out and they don't want it to spread--- OVER THE TARGET

I don't care if you believe it or not, but lets give this information a FAIR shot.

so here is one of my many downvoted recent comment TO THE HATERS

just sounds like cointelpro deny discredit distract talking points.

who cares if they raise money for charitable causes?

who cares if they talking about looking glass- this is the shit I want to see more people talking about.

I find more red pills from Ingersoll Lockwood than I do from the greatawakening.win...

They seem to bigger Q supporters and advocates of the Great Awakening than half the people here

Who cares if you don't believe they are actually government contractors capable of time travel? Do we really need a campaign of shills bashing them across the great awakening?

They clearly have the same agenda as Q... what's wrong with that?

Now, everyone is using the EXACT same mockingbird propaganda against Ingersoll Lockwood that they used against Q

So very sad.

Ingersol Lockwood supports McAfee... McAfee supports Q and links to Q posts... what is so wrong with that? Can't we just continue to do ACTUAL Q RESEARCH? Can't we just connect the dots, and see where they lead?

I started looking around, and I realized NO ONE here actually even talk about Q much AT ALL... And when I do, and get dogpiled on my shills and downvoted and all they can say is thats a LARP- well, FUCK THAT

and FUCK THEM, they said that about Q too... did that stop any of us? Or did we continue to look for PROOFS???