First off; we don't like the term "unvaccinated". We prefer "organic" "natural" or "non-GMO."
You seem to really want us to get vaccinated. We've seen incentives like $100, lotteries, burgers and hot dogs, baseball tickets, and mask-free breathing.
We've also seen deterrents like being being unable to return to work, unable to put our children in school, being unable to vote, unable to shop, and being restricted from concerts and theaters.
We've been asked over and over again, "WHY won't you just get vaccinated? What's it going to take? The vaccines are SAFE and EFFECTIVE!
And I have an answer for you on behalf of the mysterious and enigmatic unvaccinated.
PROVE that the vaccines are safe. Show us the peer-reviewed research papers on the human trials. Show us the untampered VAERS reports. Show us the research that using spike proteins to deliver mRNA don't pool in the organs. Why are you censoring the doctors and researchers speaking out? PROVE THEM WRONG.
PROVE that the vaccines are effective. PROVE that they reduce transmission, symptoms, or provide immunity. PROVE that a vaccinated person has any advantages MEDICALLY over an unvaccinated person.
We can read. We can research. We can handle it.
Stop stating things over and over and bullying us into accepting it as fact. If you haven't noticed, the largest archive of human information is available 24/7 and we can connect with anyone worldwide constantly. This makes it relatively straightforward to sift through and determine truths.
Stop treating us like idiots. Quit using emotional language. Stop manipulating and incentivizing and appealing to authority and contextualizing a vaccine as "sexy" or cool.
Or stick that needle in your eye and leave us alone.
When you're pulling a scam on people, you only have a certain amount of time to sway them with nonsensical hype: you try to build an emotional head of steam for them to want to do what you're trying to get them to do.
But the moment passes. You only have so long and then even the most moronic ones are going to stop and think and say, "Hey, wait a minute ...."
That moment is approaching fast and that's why they're trying to rush everyone into taking what stands a very good chance of being a lethal injection, before even the idiots start to wake up and see what's really going on.
Lethal injection or a tool to control the masses?
The lethal injection theories still freak me out. Hard to adapt my head around.
Over 11,000 people have already been killed by the vaccine according to VAERS, and VAERS historically has massive under-reporting.
A freedom of information request in Scotland revealed that 6,500 people have died in Scotland within 30 days of getting the vaccine. That is a much higher death rate than for the virus itself, based on the 30 day recording system.
For those 11,000, the vaccine was a lethal injection. For the 6,500 in Scotland, the vaccine was a lethal injection.