I choose a different reality, and our perceptions are what creates our reality.
We better get on board with that truth, or depictions like this will suck us down into a deep hole. We can't afford such self-indulgence.
Believe it or not, how we FEEL about things is a major factor in how this planetary shift unfolds. We seriously have to handle our shit and keep a good attitude, or the bad guys win.
Well that's depressing as fuck.
I choose a different reality, and our perceptions are what creates our reality.
We better get on board with that truth, or depictions like this will suck us down into a deep hole. We can't afford such self-indulgence.
Believe it or not, how we FEEL about things is a major factor in how this planetary shift unfolds. We seriously have to handle our shit and keep a good attitude, or the bad guys win.