posted ago by NanaQ45 ago by NanaQ45 +84 / -0

I 1st found the Q posts in July of 18. Over time, we all realized, the posts were interrelated with a deeper underlying pattern that was hard to see from the surface. Only upon immersion and research did we begin to see the whole picture. As Q said, we needed to see it all from 40K ft.

The darker realization of how truly evil this system is led me to deepen my commitment to my newfound Christianity (in '16). Of course the events of the last 5 years and the obvious satanic behavior of our leadership definitely led me to End Times revelations.

The Bible says the saved will be raptured away from this place before the 7 years of tribulation. Now, we KNOW the Globalist Elites are Luciferians, so THEY BELIEVE SCRIPTURE. Then THEY would also believe in the rapture. HOW WOULD THEY EVER BE ABLE TO EXPLAIN TO THE MASSES WHY POSSIBLY MILLIONS OF FOLKS DISSAPPEAR? How could they cover that up without letting their sheep know God took them? Simple. Project Bluebeam alien invasion.

Crazy, right? Keep your negative comments to yourself. Learn, explore, open your mind and heart, or please go away. Only those whom He dwells in will hear the call. The remainder will hear thunder and vicious storm sounds. Read the Bible. It's crazy interrelated and millions of times deeper than Q. I believe that was part of the point of the posts. To make us marvel and lead us to the greatest Marvel of all. Salvation by Our Savior Jesus.

BTW I was an agnostic democrat until 2016, so i have clout as a reformed nutjob.