501 Senator Paul… asking for a friend 😏 (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by Cabal-Bot 3 years ago by Cabal-Bot +502 / -1 81 comments download share 81 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
jrsenator anon???? look it up he is a prime suspect if it is not a larp.
Can you provide a link? "look it up" isn't good enough since big tech censored and removed so many things from search results.
here is neon covering something on it, take it for what it is worth. Some anon claiming to be a Jr. Senator which could just be a larp but if it were not it would be 1 of 50 people in the USA and Rand fits the description. Many anons have suspected rand but I don't screen cap every little piece of information that I may regurgitate later. https://www.neonrevolt.com/2018/12/17/jrsenatoranon-heralds-legal-revelations-for-qresearchers-advent-of-the-qmarch-qanon-greatawakening-neonrevolt/
Thank you. It was an interesting read. As for it being Rand Paul, the anon said he smokes Marlboro Reds. Is Rand Paul a smoker? I find that hard to believe but who knows.