We believe in the holy trinity of tubers, fruits and vegitables.
We will have no meat dishes or any faux thing like unto it before us.
We believe in the tops of carrots, in Vitiman messengers and in the holy life of spinich.
By the sweat of our brow we shall eat grains by bread all the days of our lives.
Lo, though I hoe down through the valley of beef, I will fear no 🐂💩. The holy carrot hath paved away for me. It delivered my colon. My bowels runneth over. Broccoli and beets restoreth my soul. It maketh me to lie down by fresh irrigation pipe waters.
In my soul I 💩 green and my mind 🤯 from the lack of animal protein. But my heart is filled from inner gas of the brussel sprout and I will dwell in the House of the toilet for ever and ever. Amen!
Tenants of Vegganism:
We believe in the holy trinity of tubers, fruits and vegitables.
We will have no meat dishes or any faux thing like unto it before us.
We believe in the tops of carrots, in Vitiman messengers and in the holy life of spinich.
By the sweat of our brow we shall eat grains by bread all the days of our lives.
Lo, though I hoe down through the valley of beef, I will fear no 🐂💩. The holy carrot hath paved away for me. It delivered my colon. My bowels runneth over. Broccoli and beets restoreth my soul. It maketh me to lie down by fresh irrigation pipe waters.
In my soul I 💩 green and my mind 🤯 from the lack of animal protein. But my heart is filled from inner gas of the brussel sprout and I will dwell in the House of the toilet for ever and ever. Amen!