Russell Brand was an out of control druggie. Seth Rich was nothing like Russell Brand in most respects.
Seth knew Bernie was being screwed, so he took action to expose Hillary's evil. Russell Brand realizes the public are being screwed, so he's speaking out on this one issue. That's the only similarity they have.
I ask that because I'm an alcoholic and 17(yes, I know) years sober. And I believe if I hadn't sobered up, I'd have a completely different view of the world right now.
The trick to getting sober is hard self evaluation and criticism(admit you have a problem). In other words, you need to "self red pill". Also, your addiction is between you and God, so you need to be independently and mentally strong. Because when you sober up all your friends disappear.
See where I'm going here?
Brand has probably gone through something similar.
Also, Mel Gibson is another favorite around these parts:
He is a liberal who sees through the matrix. Not a fascist-socialist, more of a Bernie Bro who sees the game being played on all of us.
So just like Seth Rich?
Russell Brand was an out of control druggie. Seth Rich was nothing like Russell Brand in most respects.
Seth knew Bernie was being screwed, so he took action to expose Hillary's evil. Russell Brand realizes the public are being screwed, so he's speaking out on this one issue. That's the only similarity they have.
Did he sober up?
I ask that because I'm an alcoholic and 17(yes, I know) years sober. And I believe if I hadn't sobered up, I'd have a completely different view of the world right now.
The trick to getting sober is hard self evaluation and criticism(admit you have a problem). In other words, you need to "self red pill". Also, your addiction is between you and God, so you need to be independently and mentally strong. Because when you sober up all your friends disappear.
See where I'm going here?
Brand has probably gone through something similar.
Also, Mel Gibson is another favorite around these parts:
He says he's been sober since 2002.
He’s definitely a Bernie Bro. You can tell when he’s doing an interview with a buncha libs.