They have been strongly implying this since January. Trump supporters=insurrectionists=patriots=flag fliers. The most patriotic citizens of this nation are painted as criminals by the MSM. Everything is backwards and upside down. While Trump was in office his supporters had to lay low to keep from putting themselves in physical danger by the radicals. So now the American flag is pretty much only flown and respected by true patriotic Americans. Patriotism is a crime to the radicals trying to erase our nation. America is the Beacon of Hope for the whole world. It’s light must not be allowed to be extinguished!
They have been strongly implying this since January. Trump supporters=insurrectionists=patriots=flag fliers. The most patriotic citizens of this nation are painted as criminals by the MSM. Everything is backwards and upside down. While Trump was in office his supporters had to lay low to keep from putting themselves in physical danger by the radicals. So now the American flag is pretty much only flown and respected by true patriotic Americans. Patriotism is a crime to the radicals trying to erase our nation. America is the Beacon of Hope for the whole world. It’s light must not be allowed to be extinguished!