Karma's a bitch. But I do think that the vaccine has something to do with irritating potentially cancerous cells. A friend of the family got the jab and was dead within weeks. He had cancer in childhood, and fought it into his twenties. After he got the jab, he was sick and was hospitalized. They blame his death on being too weak from cancer earlier in life. Just crazy. I also have an uncle who got the jab and within weeks had discovered full blown cancer that he passed from. It was a very quick death. Now as I am putting these pieces together, it is making sense. My sisters friend has a gal friend who got the jab and it irritated her scar tissue from breast cancer so badly that she is has to have surgery. So it is obviously doing some major danger.
Karma's a bitch. But I do think that the vaccine has something to do with irritating potentially cancerous cells. A friend of the family got the jab and was dead within weeks. He had cancer in childhood, and fought it into his twenties. After he got the jab, he was sick and was hospitalized. They blame his death on being too weak from cancer earlier in life. Just crazy. I also have an uncle who got the jab and within weeks had discovered full blown cancer that he passed from. It was a very quick death. Now as I am putting these pieces together, it is making sense. My sisters friend has a gal friend who got the jab and it irritated her scar tissue from breast cancer so badly that she is has to have surgery. So it is obviously doing some major danger.