(NOTE: it really is a true story, but low Q related content so I think I flaired it appropriately.)
I wasn't feeling well today (allergies?) but I went to work anyway. From 7:30 to 11:00, I was productive but getting worse.
My coworker asked what was wrong and I told him I thought it was allergies. He suggested I had Delta variant, but I told him it had to at least be Epsilon for it to feel as bad as it is.
He countered that no, it couldn't be Epsilon because we're following military code so it had to be Echo. I told him it may be foxtrot variant then, I was just trying to ease his mind it was only echo as we shared an office.
Long story short I went home at 11am for early lunch, took a nap. It's now 5 p.m. and I feel like crap, sick with either the echo or foxtrot variant. I called work and told them I would not be back today.
The way this is shaping up I probably won't be back tomorrow. But I have confidence I Will survive to work another day.
No tests needed, the owner wore a mask 1x last year, doesn't have time for all this Covid bull nonsense (concept shared with all 30 other employees).
While I'm down, please don't let this country go to pot.
Love to all my frens.
Quercetin + Zinc knocks it right out
Don't forget the vitamin D, too.