I'm not in the risk group. I don't need to reduce my own symptoms. The only reason why I would is if it stopped the spread, so show me the science that backs it up. Sauce or gtfo.
I can’t understand why people who hate unvaxxed people because of their political beliefs or religious beliefs want them to get vaccinated. You’d think they want them to remain unvaxxed and die.
Funny how the peer-reviewed science on Ivermectin shows you will likely not have any symptoms when taken as prophylaxis.
I'm not in the risk group. I don't need to reduce my own symptoms. The only reason why I would is if it stopped the spread, so show me the science that backs it up. Sauce or gtfo.
If Vaccinated people can spread the virus then the vaccine doesn’t work!
Name one of the vaccine where you can spread the virus once you’ve had it….(the flu doesn’t count).
Don’t plan to the stupid narrative vaccine doesn’t work if you can spread it don’t work.
Its not a vaccine, its gene therapy.
And it doesn’t reduce symptoms that’s a big fat lie too
I can’t understand why people who hate unvaxxed people because of their political beliefs or religious beliefs want them to get vaccinated. You’d think they want them to remain unvaxxed and die.
The only argument they can provide is:
"You don't think like me, therefore you are bad."
They don't care if you die, yet they pretend they do just to instill fear.
Conformity is key. We went from pc speech to pc medicine.