They swear up and down it isn't connected to anything. And of course, it obviously isn't supposed to be. So even if you get ahold of the system to audit and it's outside the bad actor's contrrol at that point, no worries - the auditors will power up without an ethernet connection (because that's obviously what one should do) and it boots into the perfectly normal unadaulterated legit preapproved os.
But if on election day you just happen to have these systems connected, then they boot through some server in China.
Fucking brilliant. And you don't even have to sneak in and risk loading a cheating OS which needs you to sneak in afterwards to switch them. You just sneak in to switch out / configure the boot specs. Maybe don't even need to sneak anywhere to do that.
I applauded the Taliban on 9/11, it was a well orchestrated op
And I applaud these cheating fucking dems, this shit is clean
...but I look forward to both being glassed all the same.
This is brilliant.
They swear up and down it isn't connected to anything. And of course, it obviously isn't supposed to be. So even if you get ahold of the system to audit and it's outside the bad actor's contrrol at that point, no worries - the auditors will power up without an ethernet connection (because that's obviously what one should do) and it boots into the perfectly normal unadaulterated legit preapproved os.
But if on election day you just happen to have these systems connected, then they boot through some server in China.
Fucking brilliant. And you don't even have to sneak in and risk loading a cheating OS which needs you to sneak in afterwards to switch them. You just sneak in to switch out / configure the boot specs. Maybe don't even need to sneak anywhere to do that.
I applauded the Taliban on 9/11, it was a well orchestrated op
And I applaud these cheating fucking dems, this shit is clean
...but I look forward to both being glassed all the same.