It's all about fear and control. We have to all stand together or go down separately. I'm in an hospital right now waiting as my wife has her second cataract surgery. Everyone has a mask on, but me. They gave me a mask when we came in, I'm not putting it on. It's liked driving cattle across a pasture trying to get them into a pen. They go one way, then another and so on. But eventually they get them in the pen. We have to turn and stampede and do whatever the hell we have to do to stay out of the pen. I have family members that I can't talk too anymore. They have downed so much koolaidi I believe they were weaned on it!
It's all about fear and control. We have to all stand together or go down separately. I'm in an hospital right now waiting as my wife has her second cataract surgery. Everyone has a mask on, but me. They gave me a mask when we came in, I'm not putting it on. It's liked driving cattle across a pasture trying to get them into a pen. They go one way, then another and so on. But eventually they get them in the pen. We have to turn and stampede and do whatever the hell we have to do to stay out of the pen. I have family members that I can't talk too anymore. They have downed so much koolaidi I believe they were weaned on it!