Screw these troglodytes and their ideology. We will have their jobs one day. Every single one of them! From the bottom, all the way to the top of the swamp. They will be replaced. People are finally waking up. We're not repeating this shit again!!! It just about broke the backbone of this country, which is us. But we're still here. Non compliance is the only way. We can do this and it scares them because they know their time is short.
Screw these troglodytes and their ideology. We will have their jobs one day. Every single one of them! From the bottom, all the way to the top of the swamp. They will be replaced. People are finally waking up. We're not repeating this shit again!!! It just about broke the backbone of this country, which is us. But we're still here. Non compliance is the only way. We can do this and it scares them because they know their time is short.