Great advice, and which I follow. However, I don't think some kind of digital currency is avoidable. The answer is to have local barter and currency systems. I remember this town in Greece that did this in 2012 during the financial crisis. Worked pretty well and really brought based people together. When they go global, we go local.
We have debit cards, credit cards, gift cards. All digital....not quantum nut still digital. How many keep cash on hand instead of in the bank, how many of you have gold or silver. They've successfully gotten me not to trust them, with this I'll never feel confident in the money supply. Who gets to set it up, who has the money to do it? That's the people who will give you your crypto, likely th deep state controlling it all. It's going to take a lot for me to buy I to that. My money will stay in physical gold, silver and lead. You a have fun.
Great advice, and which I follow. However, I don't think some kind of digital currency is avoidable. The answer is to have local barter and currency systems. I remember this town in Greece that did this in 2012 during the financial crisis. Worked pretty well and really brought based people together. When they go global, we go local.
We have debit cards, credit cards, gift cards. All digital....not quantum nut still digital. How many keep cash on hand instead of in the bank, how many of you have gold or silver. They've successfully gotten me not to trust them, with this I'll never feel confident in the money supply. Who gets to set it up, who has the money to do it? That's the people who will give you your crypto, likely th deep state controlling it all. It's going to take a lot for me to buy I to that. My money will stay in physical gold, silver and lead. You a have fun.