Don't be fooled by the leftist "fact check" mentality, it works both ways you know. That's how they can have controlled opposition, and control sheep allover the political spectra.
Do your own research, and don't trust anyone. That's the key here. Let me ask you this, how do you buy a car? are you blindly trusting the used car salesman, that goes something like "muuhh powerful engine, great gas milage REEE, iT hOlDs tHiS mAnY bAgS oF gRoCeRiEs and it has a color you like". Or are you actually looking up the specs, know what it means and closely inspect the car before you buy it?
See most people would use blind trust, and that's why they get fucked. Do your own research.
Don't be fooled by the leftist "fact check" mentality, it works both ways you know. That's how they can have controlled opposition, and control sheep allover the political spectra.
Do your own research, and don't trust anyone. That's the key here. Let me ask you this, how do you buy a car? are you blindly trusting the used car salesman, that goes something like "muuhh powerful engine, great gas milage REEE, iT hOlDs tHiS mAnY bAgS oF gRoCeRiEs and it has a color you like". Or are you actually looking up the specs, know what it means and closely inspect the car before you buy it?
See most people would use blind trust, and that's why they get fucked. Do your own research.
They just buy into it all. Sheep keep following the wolves.