The PCR tests don’t work to diagnose active infection with covid19.
We all keep saying that don’t we, but we don’t seem able to grasp what it means, because even though we know PCR tests don’t work to diagnose infection we keep accepting all the statistics that are produced as a result of assuming PCR tests diagnose infection.
We say – “0h wow, covid numbers rising despite the lockdown”. Or “massive spike in people getting covid in THIS care home despite precautions”. Or “look the ‘vax’ doesn’t work because people who get it still catch covid”.
No. Wrong. They’re not “covid numbers”, they’re positive-test numbers. It’s not a spike in people ‘getting Covid’ in the care home, it’s a spike of people testing positive. The people who get the vax don’t “still catch covid”, they still test positive.
And the reason why these ‘anomalies’ happen, the reason why vaxxed people can still test positive, etc etc is the same reason a papaya can test positive – because the PCR tests don’t work.
We know it but keep forgetting it. So let’s say it again.
The PCR tests don’t work.
The PCR tests. Don’t. Work.
"The PCR tests don’t work!"