The biggest thing that makes me doubt there is a plan is that people are being forced to take the jabs to keep their jobs and are being injured and killed by it. They choose to keep their jobs to feed their families but end up paying the price. The second biggest reason I doubt there is a plan, is that we are waiting on audits to prove the fraud, when the military should have all the evidence already anyway. We wait and wait and wait on audit results (or for audits to even begin) with no guarantee that they will even make a difference. Meanwhile, the Deep State solidifies their hold, kills more of us with their clot shots and destroys the value of our dollar, amd flood our country with illegals every single second that passes by. By the time all these audits are done, we may not have a country left. I can't even figure out who the real patriots are in our government anymore. Fog of war, for sure.
The biggest thing that makes me doubt there is a plan is that people are being forced to take the jabs to keep their jobs and are being injured and killed by it. They choose to keep their jobs to feed their families but end up paying the price. The second biggest reason I doubt there is a plan, is that we are waiting on audits to prove the fraud, when the military should have all the evidence already anyway. We wait and wait and wait on audit results (or for audits to even begin) with no guarantee that they will even make a difference. Meanwhile, the Deep State solidifies their hold, kills more of us with their clot shots and destroys the value of our dollar, amd flood our country with illegals every single second that passes by. By the time all these audits are done, we may not have a country left. I can't even figure out who the real patriots are in our government anymore. Fog of war, for sure.