You're literally just like a liberal. You refuse to accept that someone might have a different belief than you. If someone does, they're automatically a "Neo-Nazi" or an "Anti Semite". Where o where have I heard that before?...
Furthermore, since you have zero argument, the great awakening is about being open to the truth of many things. Q taught us to look into things ourselves and to do our own due diligence, not to think that you know it all and everyone else who disagrees with you is a "neo-nazi".
YOU are the cancer in this community, not myself or the members that agree with me.
100% of you Fascists are the cancer, everywhere people start to see truth, you NEED TO inject this “Jews did it” bullshit. EVERYWHERE.
Israel is corrupt - yes. Much of the cabal is filled with Jews - yes. Yet you blame us all?
Yet you parade around your Hitler savior and dogpile anyone who DOES NOT CONSENT to National Socialism.
Hitler killed more white Christians than Jews ever could. Hitler led Europe straight to hell, even Rudolf Hess couldn’t understand it. Hitler killed Jews because it would kill everything you claim to stand for.
He won't because it's easier to believe the lie. He's exactly what he claims not to be. A sheep.
Neo-Nazis deserve a fair trial that ends with a firing squad, alongside every other sick freak that tries to manipulate Anons.
Your place is side by side with fake-jews like Weinstein, Epstein and Soros.
You're literally just like a liberal. You refuse to accept that someone might have a different belief than you. If someone does, they're automatically a "Neo-Nazi" or an "Anti Semite". Where o where have I heard that before?...
Furthermore, since you have zero argument, the great awakening is about being open to the truth of many things. Q taught us to look into things ourselves and to do our own due diligence, not to think that you know it all and everyone else who disagrees with you is a "neo-nazi".
YOU are the cancer in this community, not myself or the members that agree with me.
100% of you Fascists are the cancer, everywhere people start to see truth, you NEED TO inject this “Jews did it” bullshit. EVERYWHERE.
Israel is corrupt - yes. Much of the cabal is filled with Jews - yes. Yet you blame us all?
Yet you parade around your Hitler savior and dogpile anyone who DOES NOT CONSENT to National Socialism.
Hitler killed more white Christians than Jews ever could. Hitler led Europe straight to hell, even Rudolf Hess couldn’t understand it. Hitler killed Jews because it would kill everything you claim to stand for.
People like you are the “invisible enemy.”
You're so brainwashed it's not even funny.