If we don't pay attention also to all these things, who knows what these creepers will be able to do.
They already:
- Vaccinated over 1 billion ppl and many are dying for that, but they lying saying is a variant
- Created Vaccine passports and employers around the world are demanding their employees to take the jab
- FDA is on track to approve Pfizer
- Useless lock-downs keep happening
and much more...
Keep your eyes open on everything.
The plan can't be just the audits. We all know that the Dems will say they are flawed with no specifics. The MSM will just read whatever talking points Media Matters makes for them. Fox News will play along pretending to be neutral and downplaying the results.
I would advise keeping a close watch on the audits, but it isn't like if proof is released that any of these cretins are going to care.