Look at this incredible linked headline inside that article:
Fauci Fears Variant Worse Than Delta is on the Horizon Because of Unvaccinated Americans
Unvaccinated Americans didn't create ANY disease, or any variant. But Fauci did. If he 'feared' this all so much, why fund it for so many years?
I'm still trying to figure who I rank more highly on the govt employee evil meter, him or John Brennan. Its a hard call at this point, which is something I'd never thought would be the case with John being such an infernal creature.
Look at this incredible linked headline inside that article:
Unvaccinated Americans didn't create ANY disease, or any variant. But Fauci did. If he 'feared' this all so much, why fund it for so many years?
I'm still trying to figure who I rank more highly on the govt employee evil meter, him or John Brennan. Its a hard call at this point, which is something I'd never thought would be the case with John being such an infernal creature.