...and that nothing I believed to be “real” was truly real, I can let go of my expectations about life, and stop buying into the charade of consumerism and competition and the false narrative of what life is about.
I’m not afraid to die anymore, not afraid to stand up, to spend all my time spreading truth.
The truth has really set me free.
All the things I thought that mattered don’t matter. Freedom is my only thought now. Whatever it takes. Whatever it takes. Whatever it takes.
What's the best way to deal with cancer? My uncle was just diagnosed with prostate, stage 2,hes only 52
Lugols iodine for the iodine receptors in the prostate. Look up Dr Brownstein iodine protocol.
Fenbendazole (panacur-c dog dewormer) for the existing cancer. Look for “a cure for cancer in plain sight” in a search engine.
Get and watch the 9 video series on https://thetruthaboutcancer.com my friend just went through it and stumbled on this. It's not one guru guy but rather a guy who lost 8 family to chemo and cancer so he went around the world interviewing drs and others. Facinating. https://thetruthaboutcancer.com
Look into food-grade Hydrogen Peroxide. It has cured a lot of people from a lot of cancers and other viruses. Best of luck to you.
Hello, please look into the concept of cancer only living /thriving in an acidic environment. One very popular and very-well documented successful approach is to raise your body's pH and the cancer simply can no longer survive. Please check out a book by Mark Sircus, "Sodium Bicarbonate: Nature's Unique First Aid Remedy". I absolutely recommend this book to anyone willing to invest their time to read it.