...and that nothing I believed to be “real” was truly real, I can let go of my expectations about life, and stop buying into the charade of consumerism and competition and the false narrative of what life is about.
I’m not afraid to die anymore, not afraid to stand up, to spend all my time spreading truth.
The truth has really set me free.
All the things I thought that mattered don’t matter. Freedom is my only thought now. Whatever it takes. Whatever it takes. Whatever it takes.
In 1977 I saw "The Prisoner" with Patrick McGoohan. The TV show is surreal and sometimes goofy (a deadly weather balloon filmed in reverse?) but all the methods of control described here are described in those episodes.
How many episodes? "A single season of 17 episodes was filmed between September 1966 and January 1968."
Nothing new under the sun. The Awakening proceeds for each of us ... and yea, 44 years watching the clown show is a long time.
Be Seeing You.