The variant should provoke symptoms faster than the Delta-4, and respiratory stress happen fast at the onset.
No word on how the models were designed. No word on how they know there will even be a "deadly" variant, and how it will even act if it doesn't even exist right now.
I'm flabbergasted.
The only silver-lining I can see from this prediction, is that if it's deadlier and faster to show symptoms, then it will be easier to contain and accelerate the end of the scamdemic, as the big problem of the 'rona is the relative silence allowing "asymptomatic spread".
Either the vaxxed are creating a super strain that will kill me. Or they are creating a super strain that will end them...
Another point I've made in the past.
We're told "there's no link between vaccination and the appearance of new variants".
We're also told "do not overuse antibiotics, as antibiotic-resistant strains will need stronger and stronger antibiotics until either of them kills us", because of the same genetic system known as "mutation", or "evolution".
Why the contradictory messaging?
Finally, how come new variants seem to pop up across several countries at the same time despite the original strain having taken months to reach various regions of the world? Fishy. Extremely fishy