Is that really a perk? This notion of giving extra credit for something completely non-academic strikes me as absurd. At the college level, and at least in most serious classes, there was absolutely no extra credit assigned for any reason. On the very rare occasions that it was available, the student would have really had to work for it (either by solving a very difficult problem or completing a separate project). I guess these days schools in the US are really more about rewarding obedience than intelligence and hard work. It is shameful.
Is that really a perk? This notion of giving extra credit for something completely non-academic strikes me as absurd. At the college level, and at least in most serious classes, there was absolutely no extra credit assigned for any reason. On the very rare occasions that it was available, the student would have really had to work for it (either by solving a very difficult problem or completing a separate project). I guess these days schools in the US are really more about rewarding obedience than intelligence and hard work. It is shameful.
I get your point, but now, most colleges now agree with the same sentiment!!! Where do go from here?