Heavenly Father we love you so much. Thank you for another beautiful day full of blessings and challenges. We ask that you continue to look after each amd ever soul that comes to this site. Help us to learn to lift each other up when times are chaotic. Teach us to be like one family that coming together for the greater good. Remove the blinders from those still sleeping and let them humbly drop to yhere knees to worship you. We often dont give you the love and attention that we should father, we all fall short. So we are sorry for that and we want to change our ways. Let each of us have our inner christ awaken so we can live in the love of your grace. Amen
Prayer Warriors and Children of Light. Please join us on our discord server as we come together thru prayer and fellowship. We are looking for Fishers of men. All that want to brijg love and light are welcome. God bless u https://discord.gg/EKEaKPpv
You know that famous picture of Christ knocking on a cottage door? There is no doorknob or latch on the outside. The cottage is your heart, you control whether Christ can come in. This is an old idea, that Christ needs to be inside before He can help you grow spiritually. The next step is to let the inner Christ grow and guide you until you are in His heart and your actions are an extension of His will.
Wow I really love this image. This beautifully summarizes what I meant by inner Christ. God bless u. Thanks for helping clarify my thoughts. Much love
Happy to help.