If Covid did exist at one point it was a non issue for most people and not deadly enough to carry on this pandemic.
Which is why people dying from colds, flu, pneumonia, tb, bronchitis, heart or respiratory deceases, obesity and all the health problems it brings seem to have vanished all under covid deaths.
Theres no way the real numbers went down to almost nothing for all these normal yearly illnesses. It was all coming up positive for covid with fake pcr test or hospital fraud for gov money.
If Covid did exist at one point it was a non issue for most people and not deadly enough to carry on this pandemic.
Which is why people dying from colds, flu, pneumonia, tb, bronchitis, heart or respiratory deceases, obesity and all the health problems it brings seem to have vanished all under covid deaths.
Theres no way the real numbers went down to almost nothing for all these normal yearly illnesses. It was all coming up positive for covid with fake pcr test or hospital fraud for gov money.