Even good news still frustrates me when it comes to covid narrative being blown up in their faces. I can’t forget the pcr test means literally every covid number is a lie. Even the covid numbers that work in our favor. Are we not helping manifest the lie into reality? Please share your thoughts.
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You got it! With the means, the assets and the willingness to do whatever it takes, our current rulers (a tech-kleptocracy of both private, government and globalist interests) can fund propaganda in every form of media indefinitely. Given enough time, they can create whatever reality they want, even though you can personally verify their version is false (hospitals overrun, Biden isn’t a dementia patient, etc). Let no one underestimate the power of cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias. Everyone is wired this way. We don’t want to be wrong or seen as easily manipulated, so you will reject real world evidence that doesn’t comport with your paradigm, as we view it as an attack on our very individuality. The brain is both amazing and vulnerable at the same time.
Spot on
Stay strong brother 👌🏻