AZ, GA, PA, WI, MI, NV are the states that reported massive irregularities in the vote totals and the laws governing elections that were changed to steal the election.
Would the states in question have decertified and performed audits as they are in the process of doing now?
Would the states 'comply' as a requirement under the Constitution?
Would we have been 6-7-8 months ahead of this audit process?
Would new electors for each state have been appointed to certify the true votes?
Would Trump have been reinstated by now as the duly elected president?
According to the Military/Trump Devolution Plan, did Pence realize what Trump had orchestrated and had organized at the time he certified the fraudulent votes, simply to be where we are now and having to go through all the resistance from the corrupt Deep State players? (We know these military plans are all compartmentalized).
Did Pence know the whole plan to trap all the bad actors and that's why he did not send the electoral votes back to the states in question to be decertified?
Can anyone expand on what/why Pence acted as he did on Jan 6th?
We, the People, do not elect the President. The States do, through the Electoral College. Each State has various laws directing the procedure of certifying Electors.
If the laws of a State were not followed in the certification of their Electors, then those Electors and their votes ought to be rejected.
The Vice President, presiding over the Electoral College vote count, has plenary power to define the governing process over the count.
Regardless of what actions Pence could have taken, there could have been only two results - accept and count enough votes to select a President and Vice President, or don't. In the latter case, the Congress would be required to immediately vote to choose the President and Vice President themselves.
The congress could have stalled, but no other business could come before them until they finished their vote. Once the Electoral College is rejected for an election, it's done, and it falls to Congress to choose.
Either Pence is in on the plan, and did his part, or he is not in on the plan, and did what Trump wanted him to do regardless.
We got a fraudulent administration, with a strong possibility that it is just for show. The blind are happy, and those who see are (so far) content to watch the show.
We could have had, potentially, a perfectly legitimate administration, but it could have been Biden or Trump had Congress decided. Half of the country would reject the choice, the other half would be overly joyful, and both sides would grow to resent the other side even more. We would currently be months into a hot civil war had that happened.
What the fuck do you think has happened, exactly?
I think the harder they push left the more push right.