I myself have chosen to be done with this- lockdowns, masks, jabs, cards- all of it! I refuse to participate and if this means excluding myself from society or family than so be it! This is the hill I’m going to die on. My entire family & friends are all jabbed talking about bringing their vax passports “just in case” - I now blame them. Let them see me get jailed for not being vaxxed and playing by societal ‘rules’. I’m so done with this whole thing. I choose to live in and with Christ. Come and get me.
I myself have chosen to be done with this- lockdowns, masks, jabs, cards- all of it! I refuse to participate and if this means excluding myself from society or family than so be it! This is the hill I’m going to die on. My entire family & friends are all jabbed talking about bringing their vax passports “just in case” - I now blame them. Let them see me get jailed for not being vaxxed and playing by societal ‘rules’. I’m so done with this whole thing. I choose to live in and with Christ. Come and get me.
in the world you will have tribulation. but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.