It is not enough to use the word "Concerns" The root of all of this is that Apple was a champion of personal security. Now its proposal to look for abusive material may seem like a noble action, the sudden about fave on our personal security is a blatant shift in MOTIVATION The message is IRRELEVANT if the motivation is dark. Let do the verifiable list, mass murders, Jihadist, ISIS attackers etc.
Now a change of heart- not a chance THE ARE CREATING A TROJAN HORSE AND USING YOU TO SUPPOR IT. Weigh into them, Apple on their Motivation Only.
It is not enough to use the word "Concerns" The root of all of this is that Apple was a champion of personal security. Now its proposal to look for abusive material may seem like a noble action, the sudden about fave on our personal security is a blatant shift in MOTIVATION The message is IRRELEVANT if the motivation is dark. Let do the verifiable list, mass murders, Jihadist, ISIS attackers etc. Now a change of heart- not a chance THE ARE CREATING A TROJAN HORSE AND USING YOU TO SUPPOR IT. Weigh into them, Apple on their Motivation Only.